I am looking for:Man
Zip Code:54303
Ethnicity:Didn't say
Education:Didn't say
Has Kids:Didn't say
HighSchool: Sherman Indian High School
College: College of Menominee Nation
JuniorHighSchool: Sand Ridge Junior High School
ElementarySchool: Mesa Verde Elementary School
Books: There are many books i love to read. But just a couple of Authors i do like are: N. Scott Momaday, Louise Edrich, Sherman Alexi. I guess mainly Native Ameican Authors
Sports: sports hummm! Dont really play much since my femur was fractured. I do love to watch football, soccer, tennis, golf. Soccer has got to be my favorite sport though
Movies: There are a lot of movie I like but my favorites are, Coming to America, Harlem Nights, Young Guns I & II, Yes Man, Legend of Drunkin Master, Iron Monkey, Ran, Fifth Element,
What I am looking for
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